Sunday, July 15, 2012

the shrinking man
       When first seeing the question "Do we ultimately know where we are?" I though of course and my response would be my current location diamond bar, California. After watching the video my answer immediately changed to "I don't know." I believe that know one really know the answer to where we really are. The person with the best answer will probably be the one who has traveled the furthest from earth.
       My best assumption to the where we are is somewhere in the universe next to the eight planets circling around the sun. I find it very difficult for anyone to ever know the exact location of where we are located and I don't think we'll ever discover it.
How did Socrates die? The life of Pythagoras
                  Socrates was know for studying and teach philosophy to children which caused problems amongst their parents. Socrates was put to death for teaching was he believed in using philosophy to determine how we should live. Socrates found it important that his students should worry more about the welfare of their souls rather than the well being of their career and families. Because of his teachings Socrates was put to trail where the jury was condemned guilty and wanted him put to death. During these times people who were on death row are put to death by drinking of the hemlock plant.
        Pythagoras was also a philosopher but he believe in the live of a person after death. Pythagoras taught that no occurrence happened by chance or luck, but rather to good men. He also taught about friendship, music and poetry, temperance and self control, as well as many other problems men faced back then. I felt that is was wrong for the Greeks to kill Socrates because of his teachings, they're where other philosophers during that time who weren't condemned to death for what they believed in.

Either /or

           In the video "either /or" the quote by Soren Kierkegaard about doing this or that, stood out to me. Soeren states that whether or not we do something really doesn't matter because we will end up regretting the both. Some people have the opportunity to make a life changing opportunity in their life and it got me thinking about what steps a person might take in making this decision. For instants why to people choose a certain career path, what college they want to attend or even why a person may choose to hurt or help someone. Once a person makes an important decision its usually to late to go back and I that's when a person can help but wounder what would happen if they chose to do something else.
            Another quote that seemed interesting was "Everything has been figured out, except how to live." I don't believe everything has necessarily been figured out, especially the question "where are we?" One thing that I do agree with is the fact that know one know the right way to live because we all have the freedom to live however we choose. I'm glad that we get to choose to live how we want, with the concept that we follow the law, because it allows us to have the freedom to make chocies.

The cranial limit

            I believe it is possible to exceed our cranial limits. For centuries scientist have studied the human mind trying to figure out the brain functions. One thing scientist have not figured out is the limits the brain can take in each human. I do know that most people don't use the grey matter part of their brain and can still have some pretty amazing talents. The function of the brain is to send signals through out the body, but what happens when a person is born without certain body parts. These people born with missing limbs can still function and some without the help of another person, the brain helps them to live life that suits them for their well being.
            I believe that anyone can exceed their cranial expectations when they have the will power and determination to go beyond their limit. I think about athletes striving to be the best, these people push themselves to train and become better each time they exercise. My coach always told me that pain is in the mind, meaning that we can always push ourselves a little further each time we think about quitting.
The Emergence of Rationality
            According to the video The Emergence of Rationality students are consider that fact that people are nothing but beams of light and what if we all are here on this earth as nothing. I however don't like the idea of being a beam light because it makes me of less value, I think of myself as a spirit to me it sounds better and gives off a more importance feeling. I do disagree about the human body being nothing  and serving no purpose. Our human kind has created and done so much, but by saying that we serve no importance makes no sense. The human body is capable of doing some amazing things, maintaining body temperature, sending signals to other origins of the body, storing memory, dreaming, and even forming any imagination are important.
            If we where put on this earth to do and be nothing why are we all made different, we have so much detail on ourselves inside and out. We are different in look, actions, and how we perceive things. We are problem solvers, we come up with problems and try to fix them. We place our selves in jobs to fix problem such as doctor, lawyers, teachers, firefighter, the list goes on but the point is I feel each and everyone of use serves some important factor in our world.

The Chandian Effect

            The cjandian effect recieved its name from Faqir chand, a guru, he was the first to speak about visinary manestfistations. The chandian effect desinates two major factors in transpersonal incounters, the overwlming of spiritual uncertity and the subject of projections of sacred forms figures seen by the meditatior without the concious knowlegde at the center of the experiance.
            I found this topic interesting, just imagine coming into a place where suddenly people begin to worship you. I've heard stories similar in a way that people have been greeted by spirits and where offered advice on how to better there lives. Its really interesting to hear that this story involved many people who had claimed that they where given advice from the same person and that this advice had saved their lives. Many religions pray to a higher source for help and guidance believing that that source with help them over come there problems.

Intelligent Reductionism

        “The video starts off with this statement: Eliminative materialism is reason writ large.” The problem is that we allow things that may not exist to change our way of thinking about almost everything except for ourselves. The question then becomes how we motivate ourselves. The video talks about humans becoming motivated through desire, motivation, love, anger, and free will. Motivation doesn’t occur through brain power but through our own conscious thoughts. The consciousness is said to come from a more ancient religious background.

       I agree with the fact that motivation comes from a conscious thought. I think of athletes, singers, mathematicians, scientist and what may motivate them. Kobe Bryant for example wants to be the best he can ne at doing what he loves, Basketball, he works hard every day training to become better. I feel the one thing most people can relate to when it comes to being motivated is success. I was kind of astonished to hear that people are motivated by anger because it’s shocking to think that someone one was motive to hurt somebody, but in reality it happens all the time.

"Well God Did It"

            The idea “Well God did it” comes from the thought that if something can’t be explained it’s the doing of God who created it. The process of finding the unknown starts with mathematics then goes to physics, chemistry, biology, sociology, then ending with sociology until it can be explain leaving the though it must be God. I agree with the statement about people finding any and every way they can explain how things work or are made so that the thought of the unknown doesn’t have to exist. Each method for finding a solution to a theory started with someone who desperately wanted to know the answer to an observation. There are many famous people such as Einstein or Plato who made it easier for people to take their theories and solve their own problems or questions that needed answer.

           I believe that some these scientist clashes with religion all the time because they don’t want to just come to a conclusion that God did it. There are theories such as evolution and the creation of our universe that have been formed by scientist just so there can be a solution that will leave them feeling satisfied that there is an answer. I guess a person might feel successful when they discover an answer to a question that no one has ever figured out, especially if you have followers that believe your answer. I feel that sometimes people make up answer when they cannot find the true answer because it may be impossible by anyone else to find.

Eletric Surfing

             The video starts off stating that protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge. The second lesson in the video explains that the positive charge of the protons is equal to the negative charge of the electrons, basically they attract to each other with in other fields. Next the atom is in balance if it has an equal number of protons and electrons. Nature’s law of balance involves the electron to roam free. The three factors of Nature’s Law of balance are pressure, current, and resistance.

             When electrons are moving it creates a current. Electricity travels in circuits but if a circuit is open the electrons can’t flow. The billions of atoms that help form the universe are composed of positive and negative charges are balanced in matter, by unbalancing these charges electric energy is formed. The erg to restore balance in Nature’s Law creates electric restoration. The restoration of an electric pressure creates a current.

Quantum Thinking

              Quantum thinking is about the idea that no one can really see what exactly a bit of matter is. As an example for quantum thinking the video explains that no one knows what an electron is doing. The video goes on speaking about how we cannot alter things that we do not necessarily know what they are. To my understanding know one knows how people come in to existence but everyone seems to have an answer. The Big Bang Theory, God, or other beliefs are ideas that people have come up with reasons for our existence but no one has proof.

               I think that most answers that can be explained come from the conscious thought. This video reminds me of the Unknown clip and how we cannot come up with the answer for everything. I think the reason why scientists are so interested in their job today is because they desperately want to know the answer for why things happen. When the unknown is discovered we start to create new things such as cars, ways to store electricity, or anything that can make life a bit easier. I find it fascinating that people can go out capture something they be observing for a while such as lighting that created the idea of a light bulb.

The Unknowable

              The clip the unknowable speaks about where things come from as well as how they function. The video gives certain examples about the unknowable such as whom or what is living us, beating our hearts, and who is firing our neurons. Many people give the answer to the question to be God or biochemistry. The video goes on talking about the unknown will remain unknown until someone goes out and creates forms a reason for their theory. The reason we have scientist today is so that they can prove why things happen.

              “Map will always have empty spaces because no one has discovered what they are yet.” My idea for why we exist and why we function is for one God created us; how we function I don’t necessarily know. The difference to between me and some scientist is that I’m ok with the unknown. I am a religious believer that God created all thing but do however believe in some of the things that scientist have discovered such as how the brain sends signals throughout the body. I like to think that everyone has their own view of things until someone comes across and convince them otherwise.

String Theory

              The string theory according to Seth was created to explain that the universe is made of loops of matter. The string theory is potentially scientific and not merely wishful thinking because scientists have used the scientific method to compose a theory. The scientific method is broken down into steps, starting with an observation a scientist would observe a subject or ask a question such as how is the universe made. Second the scientist formed a hypothesis about how the experiment will turn out such as the universe is made of trillions of rubber bands. Then you do an experiment like Seth did involving a golf ball that he broke up to find that it was compose of mini rubber bands. Seth broke down the rubbers bands until he could no longer see them by the naked eye. The final conclusion is that things are made up of smaller things that jiggle.
             Feynman's definition of science is explained by looking for a new law. The law is first guessed then you confuse the consequences of the guess to check what it may imply. The experiment should then be compared to the law to see if it works. Feynman says that if the guess disagrees with the experiment is wrong.

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